2017 Annual and CSR Report
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Accident frequency – number of injuries (recordable or lost time) multiplied by 200,000, divided by total hours worked

Biodiversity – short for “biological diversity”; the variety of living organisms, genetic diversity and habitat diversity that creates and sustains variation in the environment

Community investment – voluntary investment of funds in the broader community, including for physical infrastructure and social programs

Conflict-free minerals – mineral production that does not contribute to serious human rights abuses in regions of armed conflict (drawing on the definitions provided in the Dodd–Frank Act)

Contractor – one who agrees to perform work or supply items at a certain price or rate

Donations – contributions to charities

Employee – a person directly employed by Hudbay and/or its subsidiaries

G4 indicators – performance indicators contained in the G4 Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative. The G4 Guidelines – Core option provided the framework for this report

GHG emissions – greenhouse gas emissions

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) – an independent institution whose mission is to develop and disseminate globally applicable sustainability reporting guidelines. For more information, visit www.globalreporting.org

Grant in lieu – an amount paid instead of property taxes

Lost time accident (LTA) – a work-related injury that prevents the injured person from returning to work on his/her next scheduled workday after the day the injury occurred, because he/she is unfit to perform any duties

MAC – Mining Association of Canada

Material information – a fact or a change to the Company that could reasonably be expected to have a significant effect on the market price or value of the securities of the Company

N/ap – not applicable

N/av – not available

Restricted work – a work-related injury where a licensed health care provider or the employer recommends that the employee not perform one or more routine job functions or not work the usual full workday

Tailings – the fine waste rock that remains after separating the valuable minerals from the ore during mining and processing of mineral resources. Tailings may contain trace quantities of metals found in the host ore, as well as added compounds used to extract the minerals

TSM – Towards Sustainable Mining, an initiative of the Mining Association of Canada